Genomic Standards Consortium

The Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) is an open-membership working body formed in September 2005. The aim of the GSC is making genomic data discoverable. The GSC enables genomic data integration, discovery and comparison through international community-driven standards.

This project is maintained by GenomicsStandardsConsortium

Genomic Standards Consortium

2nd Genomics Standards Consortium Workshop

Date: 10-11 November, 2005

Venue: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridge, UK

Organizers: Peter Sterk and Dawn Field


DAY 1 Thursday November 10, 2005


9:30-9:45 Peter Sterk and Dawn Field (EBI and the Oxford Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) Welcome Background and Goals of Workshop

9:45-10:15 Dawn Field (Oxford Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) The Genomic Standards Consortium

10:15-10:30 Open Discussion: Questions and Answers

10:30-11:00 COFFEE

Session I: Omic Standards Initiatives

Session Chair: Susanna Sansone

11:00-11:30 Alvis Brazma (EBI) MGED

11:30-12:00 Chris Taylor (EBI) PSI

12:00-12:30 Susanna Sansone (EBI) Functional genomics context- the ontology example

12:30-13:00 Norman Morrison (University of Manchester, NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre) Env: a standard for environmental genomics

13:00-14:00 LUNCH

Session II: Allied Projects

Session Chair: Eugene Kolker

14:00-14:30 Guy Cochrane (EBI) EMBL sequence database

14:30-15:00 Peter Sterk (EBI) Integr8 and Genome Reviews

15:00-15:30 Peter Rice (EBI) ComparaGRID, myGrid and EMBRACE

15:30-16:00 COFFEE

16:00-17:00 Open Discussion: Data Capture and Exchange: Harmonization of Efforts

Evening: Dinner in Red Lion

DAY 2 Friday November 11, 2005

Session III: Describing Genomes

Session Chair: Peter Sterk

9:00-9:30 Jim Leebens-Mack (Penn State) Overview of Plants

9:30-10:00 Jeffrey L. Boore (DOE Joint Genome Institute) Overview of organellar genomes

10:00-10:30 Glenn Proctor (EBI) Eukaryotic Genomes in Ensembl

10:30-11:00 COFFEE

11:00-11:30 Christiane Hertz-Fowler (Sanger Institute) Overview of eukaryotic genomes from the Pathogen Sequencing Unit

11:30-12:00 David Patterson (Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole) ‘The International Census of Marine Microbes and MICROBIS, its data management environment’.

12:00-12:30 Eugene Kolker (The BIATECH Institute) BIATECH’s take on OMICSes’ standards

12:30-13:00 Open DIscussion: Commonalities and Differences

13:00-14:00 LUNCH

Session IV: Discussion

Session Chair: Peter Sterk and Dawn Field

14:00-15:30 Breakout Groups Taxonomic groups, concepts and a technical working group

15:00-15:30 COFFEE

15:30-17:00 Open Discussion: Membership and scope of GSC, Roadmap

17:00 Formal Close of workshop

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