Genomic Standards Consortium

The Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) is an open-membership working body formed in September 2005. The aim of the GSC is making genomic data discoverable. The GSC enables genomic data integration, discovery and comparison through international community-driven standards.

This project is maintained by GenomicsStandardsConsortium

Genomic Standards Consortium

New Board Members

Posted on May 7, 2018 by pyilmaz

GSC welcomes two new board members; Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh and Christopher Hunter!

Emiley is the Metagenome Program Lead at the DOE-JGI, and her current research focuses on leveraging thousands of metagenomic datasets from host-associated and environmental samples to identify novel microbial life and viral diversity.

Christopher is currently the lead curator of Gigascience. He project manages GigaDB, a database of large-scale biological and biomedical datasets.